Radical Emergence
An exploration in adaptation, sensuality, and abundance.
Fruta de mi Obra
(Fruit of my Labor)
Cone 6 Porcelain & Luster, Hand built, 2016, 14"x9"
El Crecimiento Continúa
(Growth Continues)
Cone 6 Porcelain & Luster, Hand built, 2016, 13"x7"
Ola de Piedra
(Stone Wave)
Cone 6 Porcelain & Luster, Hand built, 2016, 14"x9"
Cone 6 Porcelain & Luster, Hand built & Wheel thrown/altered, 2016, 4.5 x 3 feet
Click images for detail view.
Cone 6 Porcelain & Luster, Hand built, 2016, 13"x9"
Flor de la Tierra
(Flower of the Earth)
Cone 6 Porcelain & Luster Hand built, 2016, 13"x7"
Flor del Mar
(Flower of the Sea)
Cone 6 Porcelain & Luster, Hand built, 2016, 14"x7"
Flor del Aire
(Flower of the Air)
Cone 6 Porcelain & Luster, Hand built, 2016, 14"x7"
La Luz Interna
(The Light Within)
Cone 6 Porcelain & Luster Hand built
Radicle Emergence, in botany, refers to the moment in a plants development when the radicle (the part of a plant embryo that develops into the primary root) emerges from the seed. The slow nature of the process in creating these works has a direct connection to my own radical emergence, serving as a time stamp of personal adaptation, the radical act of shameless sensuality and self love, and accepting the abundance that community has to offer. I am interested in the intersections of time and entities that appear simultaneously static and dynamic. Much how, when looking at a tree we know that it is alive and growing, but growth can only be observed and measured over an extended period of time. The same applies to us. Time is the revealer of change.
Adaptation - “Any alteration in the structure or function of an organism or any of its parts”. The silhouette of each work is based on classical vases, but the ornate decoration, flashy displays of gold and sense of individuality, removes the piece from a pure utilitarian function. These works toe the line between appreciating the object for what it is, and trying to impose a role for it to play. Hold a flower, be a vessel. They are a response to the idea of being created for a specific purpose/usefulness within the confines of a heteronormative capitalistic society. Birth, work, marriage, reproduction. Through my radical emergence I get to chose what my form and function will be.
Sensuality - “The enjoyment, expression, or pursuit of physical pleasure”. The carvings on the vessels serve as an exploration of the senses, creating folds, complexity and narrative. They are a representation of my body, my sexuality, and my connection to the primal forces of nature of which we have no control. These marks are not an enforcement of a vision or will on the material, but a direct dialogue. It is a response to form with no need for a defined function.
Abundance - “Overflowing fullness” Golden crystals, precious metals and mineral. Through radical emergence I have been so fortunate to receive so much abundance in the form of friendships, acceptance, true unconditional love, lessons in vulnerability, and empowerment. I adorn myself with gems of pain, faggotry, and the beauty of my identities. I arrange them between my folds and curves. Walk around me. See me from all angles. Orbit me. I am sharp, beautiful, reflective, piercing. An ever-changing accumulation of formations. No form no function.
Photos by Cameron Browne